2 Initiatives
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ReFi DAO's mission is to develop strategic services and public goods for the Regenerative Finance (ReFi) ecosystem. Central to its work is incubating and supporting the development of ReFi Local Nodes across all major regions in the world. These local communities are champion ReFi solutions on the ground and enact a local network for the regenerative economy. This includes movement-wide sense-making, education, opportunity development, fundraising support, onboarding and empowerment through a blend of online platforms, multimedia, and community coordination.

  • blockchain
  • crypto/ complementary currencies
  • daos
  • digital assets
  • digital ledgers
  • fintech
  • governance platforms
  • social media / community

Plastic Bank

Plastic Bank is a for-profit social enterprise whose model is designed to reduce plastic pollution and alleviate poverty in developing countries. It does this by establishing plastic collection centers where communities exchange plastic waste as currency for income and life-improving benefits such as income, zero-interest loans, education, or other social benefits. Exchanges are recorded through their proprietary blockchain-secured platform, enabling traceable collection, secured income, and verified reporting. The collected material is processed into Social Plastic® feedstock for reuse in products and packaging. The company re-invests the majority of its profits into collection benefits, development and maintenance of recycling infrastructure, and technology development for material traceability for a greater social, environmental, and economic impact.

  • blockchain
  • community
  • credits
  • digital platforms
  • digital wallets
  • fintech
  • plastics
  • pollution